
The exhibition is open daily from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

Spuren/Ślady. Das polnische Beisein in der Schweiz

The cancellation of the letter of intent


The Polish Museum in Rapperswil has been deprived of its premises by a decision of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The Pilecki Institute has taken over the building intended for the Museum’s headquarters.

Support the Polish Museum in Rapperswil!

Support the Polish Museum in Rapperswil!

Help us continue our mission of preserving Polish cultural heritage in Switzerland. With your donation, we can continue to care for our collections and make them accessible to future generations. Every contribution is invaluable to us.

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Globalna zmiana wykład prof Ryszarda Zajączkowskiego
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Adam Wodyk, Bibliotekarz, Praktykant w Polskim Muzeum w Rapperswilu, Szwajcaria
Frédérique Friess, Sopran; Agnieszka Bryndal, Klavier; Marek Dumicz,Violine
Walter Prossnitz, Klavier, Czeslaw Marek Konzert 2021
Agnieszka Bryndal, Klavier, Frédérique Friess, Sopran
Werner Deller, Pianist, Schüler von Czesław Marek
Czesław Marek , opowiada Agnieszka Bryndal, Muzeum Polskie w Rapperswil cz 2 z 3
Czesław Marek , opowiada Agnieszka Bryndal, Muzeum Polskie w Rapperswil cz 1
Konzert, Samstag, der 30. Oktober 2021, um 17.00 Uhr
Gespräch mit dem Schüler von Czeslaw Marek Pianisten Werner Deller