Julian Godlewski

Dr. Julian Godlewski (1904 Lviv – 1983 Warsaw)

Everywhere in the world where there is a matter concerning Polish culture, there lies my heart and my actions.

Online exhibition
Nicolaus Copernicus


550th anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus

Cartographica Helvetica No. 62

Aleksander Stryjeński

Cartographica Helvetica – No. 62


For more than 150 years, the following inscription has been engraved on the pedestal of the Freedom column standing  in front of the Polish Museum in Rapperswil:

MAGNA RES LIBERTAS – Freedom is a great thing.

Hence the Poles cried for justice in the world, today we are calling for justice for Ukraine.

We support Ukraine’s right to independence, and we show solidarity with the Ukrainian nation in its fight against the Russian totalitarian system. Ukrainian brothers: you are fighting for the freedom of your Homeland, for the freedom of nations in Europe.

We believe that your fight will end in victory.

We support you and our thoughts are with you.
Long live free Ukraine!

Globalna zmiana wykład prof Ryszarda Zajączkowskiego
11 listopada 2022, Koncert w Rapperswil cz.1
11 listopada 2022, Koncert w Rapperswil cz.2
11 listopada 2022, Koncert w Rapperswil cz.3
11 listopada 2022, Koncert w Rapperswil cz.4
11 listopada 2022, Koncert w Rapperswil cz.5
11 listopada 2022, Koncert w Rapperswil cz. 6
11 listopada 2022, Koncert w Rapperswil cz.7
Wykład prof. dr hab. Zdzisława Pietrzyka – 29.10.2022
Poetic Jazz Lech Wieleba, Part 2
Poetic Jazz Lech Wieleba, Part 1
Adam Wodyk, Bibliotekarz, Praktykant w Polskim Muzeum w Rapperswilu, Szwajcaria
Frédérique Friess, Sopran; Agnieszka Bryndal, Klavier; Marek Dumicz,Violine
Walter Prossnitz, Klavier, Czeslaw Marek Konzert 2021
Agnieszka Bryndal, Klavier, Frédérique Friess, Sopran
Werner Deller, Pianist, Schüler von Czesław Marek
Czesław Marek , opowiada Agnieszka Bryndal, Muzeum Polskie w Rapperswil cz 2 z 3
Czesław Marek , opowiada Agnieszka Bryndal, Muzeum Polskie w Rapperswil cz 1
Konzert, Samstag, der 30. Oktober 2021, um 17.00 Uhr
Gespräch mit dem Schüler von Czeslaw Marek Pianisten Werner Deller