Invitation to the General Assembly – November 9, 2024

6 November 2024

Invitation to the General Assembly – November 9, 2024

Dear Members and Friends of the Society of Friends of the Polish Museum in Rapperswil,

This year presents us with difficult choices and decisions regarding the future of our Museum. We invite you to a meeting with the hope of engaging in discussions and exploring potential solutions to address the current situation.

The meeting will be held on Saturday, November 9, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. at the Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, Oberseestrasse 10, Rapperswil.
Venue: Hörsaal 5.002 u. Eingangshalle 5.000


  1. Election of the Teller and Secretary
  2. Approval of the Minutes from the 2023 General Assembly
  3. Annual Report from the Museum Director and the President of the Society
  4. Financial Report for 2023
  5. Auditor’s Report
  6. Approval of the Annual Accounts
  7. Adoption of the 2024 Budget
  8. Election of the Society’s Board
  9. Discussion on the Future of the Museum
  10. Information on the upcoming exhibition “Traces” – Polish Architects in Switzerland

We look forward to meeting you and engaging in meaningful discussions. Thank you for your continued interest in the affairs of our Museum.

With warm regards and respect,

The Board of the Society of Friends of the Polish Museum in Rapperswil

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